
(photos by Katja Goljat)

Old Guys Say Yes to Community” is an Erasmus+ project with the goal to foster inclusion of older man aged 60 years or more (especially with low education) in learning and education activities to positively affect their well-being, health, social life and to contribute to their re/up-skilling.

The project is to develop and propose transnational measures to enhance learning dimension in organisations which are not primarily concerned with education (NGOs, volunteer organisations and other associations) in various European countries. University teachers and students will contribute strongly in this process, and therefore enhance partnerships between community providers and educational institutions on all levels. In-depth recommendations and a model for a training programme for educators and community workers will be developed to ensure the use of open and innovative educational practices to achieve coordinated and diverse learning opportunities EU-wide. The process will be strongly supported with use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and other innovative teaching strategies.

Look at the photos and videos from the final conference in Ljubljana! See photos…
  • Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.