Posts in Category ‘Project news’
“Men are unprepared for retirement”: presentation of the project in the magazine “Vzajemnost”
Discussion with the project leader dr. Marta Gregorčič on the results of the project and measures to promote non-formal learning.

Vzajemnost, jul. 2019: “Moški so nepripravljeni na upokojitev“
Conference videos
Introductory speech by Marta Gregorčič
Results presentations – Estonia
Results presentations – Portugal
Results presentations – Poland
Final debate on the findings and
recommendations deriving from the project
(videos by Katja Goljat and Matjaž Rušt)
Old Guys in the news
We already started to receive some media articles based on our May conference.
First one is from Delo (main Slovenian daily newspaper):
- Starejši moški so močno odvisni od partnerk (English: Older men are heavily dependent on their partners)
The beginning of the blended learning course
On a Friday, March 15 we began with the introductory workshop that continues with learning online. There are 21 participants enrolled in this course.

Internal testing of the Old Guys online course has begun… You can access it here.
Field research in Slovenia nearly done
The field research in selected communities in Slovenia is successfully progressing and we are approaching our set goal to make 100 interviews with older men. So far we have made 86 interviews and also conducted 3 focus groups with representatives of local authorities and non-governmental organisations in both selected communities.
Some photos from our visit in Ajdovščina:
Study visit in Australia
A tour of Men’s Shed was organized by Barry Golding for several delegates from Europe in February 2017, among others also members of this project. All together we visited 13 Sheds in Victoria and one in New Zealand. What we’ve seen and experienced during our interesting research trip is of enormous importance for our further research.
We would sincerely like to thank all of the shedders/blokes for such a warm welcome and so open and friendly socializing with us during our visit. Stories, which they shared with us, have changed our lives and influence our perceptions about different needs regarding age and gender. We are now even more convinced that community is a right and the best place for everybody to share, connect and help, but also to receive when needed.
Thank you!
Focus groups in Slovenia
The implementation of the field research in Slovenian first selected community is in full swing. Students are already conducting interviews with older men. On the 24th of February the first focus group was performed in this selected community.
We have talked about the elderly people, especially men, living in this community and how the community is taking care for their elderly. Representatives from different organisations took part in this focus group as are the the representatives from local community, libraries, associations of pensioners and other interest associations.
We are very pleased that they have kindly responded to our invitation and contributed valuable information and insight into the researched community.
More than 15 Slovenian students have entered the field with old guys on Wednesday 22 March in the district community Ljubljana Bežigrad. We plan to interview more than 50 men in three weeks.