An article about the final Oldguys and ELOA conferenc on EPALE website:
Posts Tagged ‘ELOA’
Old Guys Say Yes and ELOA conference
You are invited to a final conference of the “Old Guys Say Yes To Community” project. It will take place on May 11th 2019.
The conference will be joined/merged with the 2019 ELOA (Education and Learning of Older Adults) conference.
The theme of the conference and online registration can be accessed here.
Aging in a multicultural world
Our team member Špela Močilnikar presented our project “Old Guys Say Yes To Community” at the 7th international ELOA ESREA conference in Wroclaw, which was held from 17th till 19th of November 2016 a the Department of Education, University of Wroclaw. The programme is accessible on this link.
Her presentation attracted much interest 😉